现代夯土墙,属于一次浇筑成型,除了表面涂有一、两层透明的保护剂外,不加任何修饰,直接体现天然的表面肌理。与身俱来的厚重与清雅是其他现代建材所无法比拟的,这种蕴含着高贵的朴素看似简单,实则极其接近东方传统美学与禅学思想,且还能借季节变化呈现不同气质。 Modern rammed earth wall, belongs to a casting molding, in addition to the surface coated with one or two layers of transparent protective agent, without any modification, directly reflects the natural surface texture. This kind of noble simplicity seems simple, but in fact it is extremely close to the eastern traditional aesthetics and Zen thought, and can also take advantage of seasonal changes to show different temperament.
凡塞奇定制夯土的古朴淳厚,充分表现出了自然怀旧、返璞归真的气韵。它回归材料自然本色,用简单纯粹的材料语言诉说着高雅的朴素,与生俱来的特征,诉说着朴实无华的独特性。 满载历史书写的痕迹,用最原始的肌理对话现代艺术,夯土:在墙上书写古老技艺的传承与魅力。 美学 案例 美俪家族网红蛋糕店